I’m currently a Master student at Columbia University studying Computer Science. Currently, I’m luckily working with Prof. Changxi Zheng and Ziwei Zhu. Before this, I was an undergrad at Paul G. Allen School at University of Washington majoring in CS. At that time, I was fortunate to work with Prof. Adriana Schulz and Ben Jones at GRAIL.

I’m generally interested in computer graphics, including physicallly-based simulation, and CAD modeling. I’m also interested in rendering and other topics and willing to learn more about these. I also want to explore more on combining data-driven method with computer graphics. Here is my CV.


Data-driven Method for Improving Accuracy of FDTD Simulation with Irregular Geometry
Duowen Chen, Ziwei Zhu, Changxi Zheng
report (coming soon)
BREP Dataset and GCN for Automatic Mating of CAD Assemblies (2021)
Siggraph Asia
Benjamin Jones, Dalton Hildreth, Duowen Chen, Ilya Baran, Vova Kim, Adriana Schulz
Paper Project Page

Projects & Artworks

DesnowNet survey and CycleSnowGAN
Personal Project
Paper Code
Survey on neural implicit method for reconstruction tasks (2021 Autumn)
Columbia University With Honglin Chen
Paper Code
Animation Artworks (2020 Autumn)
Columbia University
Physics based simulation starting from mass-spring system with different stepping method to object collisions to rigid body simulations to deformable material simulation
Graphics Artworks (2019 Spring)
University of Washington with Zhe Han
Synthesized all the topics learned during the class including shading, geometry, ray-tracing rendering using monte-carlo’s method and animation using splines